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Sinthan Top One of the Best Tourist Place in Kashmir

SINTHAN TOP Kishtwar district situated amidst snow-capped mountains, emerald valleys, fruit orchards, whispering deodar and pine forests with their rich flora and fauna, gurgling streams meandering through lush green meadows, sprinkled with colorful natural wild flowers, create a grandeaur that is hard to match. Tha valleys of Chhatroo, dachhan, Marwah, Paddar and Warwan in particular have an enchanting and mesmerising natural beauty which has a great potential for adventure, pilgrimage, eco, health, rural, cultural and film tourism. Unexplored and unexpolited due to scarce road connectivity, these areas, having lush green forests, humming heights talking to the sky, green meadows and alpine pastures in the lap of high rising mountains where sight of neighing horses, bellowing cattle, bleating sheep and goats which have ascended from hot plains, display an absorbing view in summer months and remain under a white blanket of snow during the winter. From chingam onwards, we find an ascending road Amidst Zigzag road and forest cover; we reach Synthen Maidan, 60 kilometers away from Kishtwar. The alpine pastures of this place have matchless natural beauty. The cool and salubrious climate of the place has a refreshing effect on the tourists. Here we find unending slopes and plain meadows on the foot of the Synthen-top. The place is ideal for games like Para-gliding, horse riding, rock climbing and winter games like skiing, skating etc. 24 kilometers ahead of Synthen Maidan is the Synthen Top at an altitude of 3784 meters from sea level. On reaching the top, one feels at the top of the world, quite light and detached from the worldly worries. View of the surrounding area is very charming. A potato farm established here by the Agriculture Department yields a good potato-crop which is superior in quality and tasty to eat. From Synthen top, the descending road leads to Daksum, a health resort of Anantnag district in the Kashmir valley